• Welcome
  • Terms
  • confirm your info
  • Select a plan
  • Finish

Welcome to Triam Network ICO

ICO is currently not available

Terms and conditions

Please read this carefully before you engage

By clicking the Next button below, you agree to our here by terms and conditions.

User info

Continue as  {{ $localStorage.user.firstname && ctrl.lastname ? ($localStorage.user.firstname + ' ' + ($localStorage.user.middlename? $localStorage.user.middlename + ' ' : '') + $localStorage.user.lastname) : $localStorage.user.email}}

We have sent you an email containing a code for verifiying this account. Please input it into the textbox below.

Select a plan

ICO is available in multiple currencies and packet. Pick one to display the status.
soldpendingother's reservationyour reservationother's selectionyour selectionavailable
{{(packetPrice.availability[i] < 5)? '' : (packetPrice.availability[i] | number : 2) + '%'}}
{{packetPrice.quantity}}{{packetPrice.price | number : 2}}
PacketAmountPriceTotal {{'(' + ctrl.ico.selectedIcoCurrency.code + ')'}}RIA Amount
{{re.icoPacketID.packetType | currency : '' : 0}}{{re.selectedQuantity}}
{{ctrl.calculatePaymentAmount(re) | currency : '' : ctrl.ico.isPaymentByCryptocurrency ? 7 : 0}}{{ctrl.calculateTotalArmcoin(re) | currency : '' : 7}}
{{ctrl.calculateAllPay() | number : ctrl.ico.isPaymentByCryptocurrency? 7 : 0 }}{{ctrl.calculateAllArmcoin() | number : 7}}


Your ICO request has been recorded. Please follow the instructions in the confirming email to complete your purchase. Thank you.

{{re.icoPacketID.packetType | currency : '' : 0}}{{re.selectedQuantity}}
{{ctrl.calculatePaymentAmount(re) | currency : '' : ctrl.ico.isPaymentByCryptocurrency ? 9 : 0}}{{ctrl.calculateTotalArmcoin(re) | currency : '' : 7}}
{{ctrl.ico.confirmedPlan.total | number : 0 }}{{ctrl.ico.confirmedPlan.totalArmcoin | number : 0}}


Please complete the payment within 72 hours after applying. Your application will be invalid if the deadline expires.



{{re.icoPacketID.packetType | currency : '' : 0}}{{re.selectedQuantity}}
{{ctrl.calculatePaymentAmount(re) | currency : '' : ctrl.ico.isPaymentByCryptocurrency ? 9 : 0}}{{ctrl.calculateTotalArmcoin(re) | currency : '' : 7}}
{{ctrl.calculateAllPay() | number : 7 }}{{ctrl.ico.confirmedPlan.totalArmcoin | number : 0}}